Jacob Morrison

Predoctoral Researcher
Allen Institute for AI

Jacob Morrison

Hi! I'm a predoctoral researcher on the AllenNLP team at Ai2, and I'm advised by Pradeep Dasigi and Jesse Dodge. I received my masters in computational linguistics and bachelors in computer science from the University of Washington, where I was advised by Noah Smith. I've previously worked on code & program synthesis at Google [x], language + vision models at Ai2, and platform health at Twitter, and I also spent a few years as a software engineer at Tableau and Google. See my CV for more details.

I'm applying to PhD programs! Feel free to reach out if you're interested in chatting. I'm interested in building broadly capable LMs, and I'll be supported by an NSF Computer Science Graduate Fellowship.


My research is generally focused on making modern language models broadly useful and reliable. I've recently been focused on improving model capabilities through post-training by creating new datasets and evaluations, and improving training algorithms and model architectures. I'm also a strong supporter of open science, and I've contributed to openly released artefacts including Tulu 3, RewardBench, Dolma, and OLMo, OLMo 2, and OLMoE, with more coming soon.

I also spend a portion of my time helping policymakers understand and address the societal impacts of advances in AI. I started and currently lead Ai2's public policy efforts, through which I regularly engage with policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels. I previously served on the City of Seattle's Generative AI Policy Advisory Group, and I'm currently serving on the Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee of the Washington State AI Task Force.

Awards & Fellowships

  • Aug. 2024: ACL Theme Paper Award
  • Aug. 2024: ACL Best Resource Paper Award
  • Aug. 2023: NSF Computer Science Graduate Fellowship
